I recently re-installed XP on my Dell Latitude
D820 for the third time in 2 years and ran into a familiar problem: My
line-in audio was not being played through the speakers. By default,
the Dell driver, R171789 (SIGMATEL STAC 92XX C-Major HD Audio) does not
come with the input monitor enabled. You can modify the driver INI
file(s) manually to enable this and other related options.
Backup these files (make a copy in the same directory named 92XXM2-2.INI.orig):
C:\Program Files\SigmaTel\C-Major Audio\WDM\92XXM2-2.INI
C:\Program Files\SigmaTel\C-Major Audio\DellXPM_5515v131\WDM\92XXM2-2.INI
Edit each one and change the following settings to reflect what is shown:
EnableInputMonitor = hex: 1
DigitalInputMonitor = hex: 1
Additionally you can/should turn on these options that allow for greater control of the sound card options:
To see all of the config tabs (that I know of):
Config_Tab = dword: 0x000000ff
To see all of the Advanced config options:
Config_Adv = dword: 0x000fffff
To allow sample rate adjustment:
Config_Rates = dword: 0x000000ff
To disable automatic input switching (helps avoid feedback)
RecordPriority = dword: 0xffffffff
Here is a copy of my edited 92XXM2-2.INI
file (enables the Levels tab and Automatic Input selection
en/disabling). Alternately, if you are so-inclined, you could open
regedit and
alter these settings manually. However when you do so, the changes get
wiped out by a re-install of the driver, so altering the INI file is
really your best bet.
can now uninstall the device you have in device manager and re-install.
Reboot to ensure you apply the change to the Sigmatel chipset.
rebooting, plug in your device. A pop-up should prompt you for the
input type. You may choose to tell it to no longer prompt you for this
change. Then, go into the Volume Control, uncheck mute on Input
got to Options, Properties, select Line-in and you should hear your
input. Also, you may choose to drop the volume on the Internal Mic down
to 0%. This will help you avoid horrible feedback should you switch to
the internal mic.
you don't have a D820, it possible that your INI file may be different.
To identify what the proper INI file is, open regedit and search for
this string:
SigmaTel High Definition Audio CODEC
Look for
the key named "DriverDesc". In this folder/tree you should also see
"IniPath". Open this key and look at the name of the INI file in the
path. This should be the correct INI for your model.
UPDATE 2/11:
If you feel inclined to do so you can change, with a decent amount of
granularity, which options you can see in the Advanced tab. This is
done by flipping individual bits on or off in the Config_Adv registry
setting. Here are the applicable decimal values for each option:
1 | Power Management | Amplifier Power Mangement |
2 | Sampling Rate | Sampling Rate adjustment |
4 | SPDIF | AC3/PCM en/disable and Rate Adjustment |
8 | SPDIF | Digital Out en/disable and Rate Adjustment |
16 |
Digital Out en/disable |
32 |
Dolby |
Dolby Digital Live en/disable |
64 |
Noise Suppression |
Noise Suppression en/disable |
128 |
Latency/Rate adjustment, ASIO monitor en/disable |
256 |
Pop-ups |
Jack reconfiguration pop-up en/disable |
512 |
HDMI output en/disable |
1024 |
Bass Management |
Bass Routing and boost dB adjustment |
2048 |
Microphone Selection |
Automatic Microphone Selection en/disable |
4096 |
Internal Speakers |
Internal Speaker Muting options |
8192 |
Headphone Configuration |
Redirected headphone en/disable |
16384 |
(Unknown) |
32768 |
Multi-Streaming |
Multi-stream retasking en/disable |
65536 |
Speaker Mute Controls |
Additional internal speaker muting options |
To enable or disable any of these options, just add or subtract it's
decimal value (shown) from the decimal value you see in regedit (when
the decimal radio is selected). For example, to display configuration
options for Pop-ups, Microphone Selection, and Noise Suppression, just
add 256+2048+64. This gives you 2368, which you can paste into regedit
when you select the decimal radio. This will convert to 940 in hex.
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