When I think of my love for her, it's hard to quantify it in words...
I love her more than the number of sands on the beaches of the world.
I love her more than the number of stars in the sky.
I love her more than the size of the universe.
I love her more than the time it takes to get to the edge of the universe.
I love her more than the number of raindrops in the ocean.
If you were to take the largest mass known and divide it by the smallest particle of matter, I'd love her more than that.
In the words of the Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy: "Gigantic multiplied by colossal multiplied by staggeringly huge is the sort of concept we are trying to get across here.". That's how much I love her.
If I were to make a program that were to caclulate how much I love her, it would look like something like this...
while ( "black" == "black" && "white" == "white") {
$MyLoveForHer = $infinity + 1;
print "I love her this much: $MyLoveForHer";
...but, of course, my love for her is so great it would take forever to calculate that kind of value, so you'd have to wait that long for it to finish. Unless of course you had a computer that was infinitely fast, in which case... um, nevermind.
Only God really knows how much I love her, because I love her so much it's beyond human comprehension.
That's how much I love her.
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