Palm Pre: Coming Soon to Muchtall?

I just got this email in my inbox this morning (BCC'd to me):

From: (My Boss)
To: (Our Company Sprint Rep)
Subject: Palm Pre
What are the chances of getting our hands on a couple of these when they are released?
(Other Palm User) from (Our Company) and (Muchtall) from my office are waiting patiently for theseā€¦.
(My Boss)

Pretty awesome. Hopefully our Sprint rep can swipe us a couple before the masses clean the stores out.

Update 6/2: Just got an IM from my boss:

(11:17:23 AM) Boss: hey you available for lunch on Thur?
(11:17:32 AM) Muchtall: Sure
(11:17:43 AM) Boss: Im gonna get our Sprint reps to take us out


Update 6/8: So I was greeted by this email earlier this morning:

To: Boss (fwd'ed to Me)
From: Purchasing Dept
Subject: (Muchtall's) Phone
Just received call from Sprint, phone on backorder. Not sure when resupply fulfilled, will keep you in touch.

Which sucks. However, a few hours later, I get this email:

From: Corporate Sprint Rep
To: Purchasing Dept (fwd'ed to Me)
Subject: Pre
Inventory is expected tomorrow so you should have on Wednesday.

Awesome! I can't wait!