I just got an email this evening detailing the changes coming to the AM1500 schedule...
Insider Information
I am trying to be more diligent in giving you Insiders the inside story before it is out elsewhere, here is the weekday line-up effective upon the return from New Year's holiday weekend:
Mid-4a........ Coast-To-Coast AM (live)
4a-5:30a..... Wall Street Journal -- This Morning (live)
5:30a-9a..... Willie Clark (live)
9a-11:50a.... Bob Davis (live)
11:50a-12:05p... Paul Harvey News & Comment
Noon-2p....... Ron Rosenbaum & Mark O'Connell (live)
2p-5:30p...... Joe Soucheray (live)
5:30p-7:30p.. Tommy Mischke (live)
7:30p-10p..... Chris Krok (live)
10p-Mid......... Hannity
Hmmm... Who is this Willie Clark guy? He will be conducting a morning-show that sets up the remainder of the AM1500 broadcast day. He is an observer of current events, pop culture, human behaviors and their intersection points. He is a baseball fan. He is a fearless self-deprecating radio personality. He is easily likeable. Willie will be heard covering a couple of fill-in shifts the last ten days of December.
Yes, we are seeking a partner/co-host to work with Willie. He has had great successes working with smart, verbal personalities with a natural interest in current events, pop culture, human behaviors and their intersection points. All candidates with those traits are welcome to contact me.
Notice that G.L. shifts back to its original start-time of 2pm and adds a rollicking half-hour AM1500-only segment (not available on The Network). It is only fitting that an unconventional shift-change time would involve Mischke, the most unconventional personality on Twin Cities radio.
The tough part of this transition period is drawing to a close as we enter the exciting part: having some fun on the radio every day, all day.
Thanks for your patience.
Steve Konrad
Dir. of Programming/Operations
am1500 KSTP "The Talk Station"
Summary: After driving away their anchor show with bad program scheduling, they dig an even deeper hole by moving the already poorly placed Hannity into the late-night hours. KSTP thinks they are obtaining revenge on Clear Channel, when all they are doing is pissing on their loyal listenership and digging an even deeper hole.
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