The Socialist Movement Tramples On

What happens when you allow the federal goverment to seize your income without representation? They seize even more.

Today, the Supreme Court once again invented new law, ignoring all previous precident, which allows the government to take your property in the name of goverment-imposed "economic development". This isn't even eminent domain. This is a private venture.

Let's take a look at the Judges who had opposed this ruling:

  • Reagan appointee Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist
  • Reagan appointee Justice Sandra Day O'Connor
  • Reagan appointee Justice Antonin Scalia
  • Bush 41 appointee Justice Clarence Thomas

    And those who ruled for it:

  • Ford appointee Justice John Paul Stevens
  • Reagan appointee Justice Anthony Kennedy
  • Bush 41 appointee Justice David H. Souter
  • Clinton appointee Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
  • Clinton appointee Justice Stephen G. Breyer

    Take a guess at what party is the face of the new Socialist movement.

    UPDATE: Still isn't clear? Compare to the Bush v. Gore ruling.

  • Gitmo: Your Next Vacation Destination

    Ann Coulter rocks.

    Sorry, I just had to get that out of the way. Check out her recent article on Yahoo News: Losing Their Heads Over Gitmo. I'm telling you, I'm thinking I'd like to be a Gitmo prisoner. They get fed better than I. That place has become a resort after all the liberal nonsense rhetoric.

    UPDATED: I want one: Club G'itmo Gear at the EIB Store

    Microsoft Knows What's Good For You!

    Microsoft is infalliable in their wisdom of proper software design. They know better than you how a program should be designed. At least that's the impression I get from the Windows Search tool. Yesterday, I spent at least an hour increasing my productivity by unsuccessfully attempting to find files that contained the string "email". I know there files were there because I happened upon one that contained it. Windows gave me no indication that there might be a reason why I was not finding the files I was looking for.

    Apparently Microsoft improved the search feature by making it not look in all files when it says it's looking in "all files". It makes the descision for you that, unless it knows the files extension and type (.txt, .doc, etc), it won't search the file. That means any files you have created without an extension, or files that use non-Microsoft types (.sql, .cfg, .php, etc), it will ignore them without telling you. There are modifications that you can make to return Windows to it's expected, legacy behavior. The details are in KB Article 309173. But to save you time, I have created a registry script that will alter (fix) this setting for you. Windows XP Search Fix. Just download and run!

    Relics: Einstein's Brain

    I think I've finaly found the source of a clip used in Telepopmusik's "Dance Me". I just think how the old guy says "microscopic" is hilarious. I think now I'll have to track down and watch Relics: Einstein's Brain, which appears to be the source of this clip.